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Kawaii-Tech Outfit


  • Verts: 39,616 - Hat: 949, Glasses: 6,014, Choker: 826, Techtop: 6,421, Techskirt: 9,116. Boots: 10,354, Fishnets: 5,936
  • Rigged & Fitted to Toribase
  • Six Materials (Easy to lower (One basic white, one metallic, rest can be merged to an atlas.)
  • 3 FBX, Unitypackage with Prefabs & premade Mats
  • Bases obv. not included

Terms of Use:

  • Must Credit when use (LINK TO THE ASSET)
  • Commercial use only allowed on complete models, no reselling the asset as is/edited
  • Sharing/Leaking these Files is not allowed, everyone has to get it from the Gumroad themself!

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I want this!

fbx, unitypackage

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